MarineMoney: My synopsis of a stellar conference held in NYC.
Monthly Archives: June 2012
Many comment, when they see me on land, as opposed to in the air or on a vessel, about my bright red shoes. Thinking its a fashion statement, there is a grin and often a wish, that deep down, the viewer wishes he or she could wear red shoes with their Hugo Boss or Tommy Hilfilger suit.
While my bright red shoes have become a trademark; they began during OPSAIL 2000 with a security discussion in the office of the USCG Commander in Norfolk. He was concerned his “assets” might not all realize who I was, or that I had clearance flying inside the security perimeter of the USCG Eagle with my helicopter or later, approaching the tall ship on the James River, via a chartered launch.
So, taking a page from the White House security, as press members are assigned a differing colored lapel pin, with the color only revealed the morning of the visit, I pointed to my then Red Nike’s and saId, “Commander, notify your people to look for the RED SHOES.”
And so it was..and it is to this day. I fly with red or as in this photo, “USCG Orange” shoes.
Aboard Ecuador’s Tall Ship: GUAYAS In NYC Harbor
My sailing aboard Ecuador’s sail training ship Guayas for OPSAIL this year was noticed by Louisa Curtis of Chatterbox. She posted one of my photos, shot from 80 feet up on the foremast, in her informative blog: Scroll down and see my pic!
Ten years ago, I sailed for a week aboard the Guayas and re-visited her for the combined Fleetweek/OPSAIL last month for a glorious entrance into NYC Harbor. ?u=a4c2f194436d310a10f1b9fea&id=a5cf4d7d64&e=FV9F37gfa4